Ok I know ….that’s a questionable headline. But think about it. Besides the typical toilet functions, what else goes on in your bathroom? The short list includes brushing your teeth, showering, bathing, washing your hands and face, applying makeup as well as miscellaneous toiletry activities. These are the expected and designed for goings-on in the special room in your house called the bathroom.

Of course it depends on which bathroom type we are discussing. For instance, the things you might do in a master bathroom certainly differ from what you would be able to do in a powder room. Powder Rooms or as they are also referred to as a half bath, usually contain just a toilet, vanity and mirror. They might have a few other decorative accoutrements but that’s pretty much it. Powder Rooms are meant for guests and as an extra toilet room and of course, an opportunity to express yourself creatively with tile, fixtures, color and art.

On the other side of the size spectrum, a spacious master bathroom would most likely have a grandiose shower as well as a soaking tub or whirlpool and there might be a double vanity with a makeup table. A truly luxurious master bathroom might incorporate a seating accommodation such as a chaise lounge, side table, television, telephone and even a fireplace. Sometimes, a bidet is installed alongside the toilet. A sauna or steam room might be located right next to or within the bathroom suite or could be just part of the shower. The possibilities of design elements and materials are endless and completely dependent on the client’s needs, wants and budget.

The typical shared or common bathroom will either have a shower only or a tub/shower unit, single or double vanity and single toilet. In a residence, they range from the very small to very large layouts. Bathrooms, especially powder rooms, cleverly located and well space planned to work beautifully with the given architecture is a win-win. The current approach to newer hotel guestroom bathrooms as well as renovated older properties is to eliminate the tub/shower entirely and just offer a shower stall.

One thing I never do in designing a bathroom is to lose the opportunity to be creative with the vanity. The sky is the limit and nothing is off the table as far as use of materials. No matter what the style or how large the room is, the vanity is generally the design focus and no idea should go unconsi
dered. This site has some fabulous vanities.
While most have a fan in their bathroom, nothing says you can’t add a beautiful and functioning décor element such a chandelier or hanging fixture as well. Just make sure the fixture is secured well and check that it is rated for moisture. Art selection is another avenue to support whatever design style is chosen.

Tiles, wallpaper, paint, faux finishes are all materials that work together in a bathroom and the right grade or finish is important when it comes to a water room such as a bathroom. Check out our October post about material grading systems. I am a big fan of Dal-Tile for bathroom tile. Read this terrific post about water resistant tiles.
So, why am I posting about bathrooms now and why the misleading headline? I recently finished designing a master bathroom and am beginning another as well as a powder room and so I have tiles, vanities and creative ideas jostling for first position in front of the budget in my head. There is no reason for the struggle other than it occurred to me how like any other room in the house, the bathroom is an opportunity to express creativity right alongside good space planning within a well figured budget. Sure, in an existing bathroom, you are not likely to want to move plumbing. This would create a possible unnecessary cost that any good design professional has likely pledged to keep under control. But what many people don’t know is that moving the location of the sink a few inches over from its current position, won’t do anything to the budget but might free up a constraint in the design. You know, for those other bathroom activities you haven’t had room for until now.
Accommodations for a disability user always require more space or a different way to space plan than you might realize. The ADA Standards for Accessible Design has bathroom design criteria in its publication but this site is bathroom specific with some resources listed. Just because an accommodation is required, the ADA bathroom can still be as beautiful as any other bathroom.
Finally, as in any other room in your house or workplace, a bathroom should be viewed as a space that fits your specific needs and budget, and where you get to have it look the way you want it to look through the tile, wallpaper, paint and fixtures selected. All the typical bathroom activities or not typical bathroom activities can be designed and accommodated for in the design.
Call 856.269.0707 or email [email protected] to schedule a consultation for your bathroom project today!
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